Wildwood Christian School exists to provide education for young people to become strong and gracious Christ-like individuals who are leaders and team players with a Christian worldview, and an all-encompassing, eternal vision of the world and their place in it.

Our standard of all truth is God and His word (Colossians 1:16,17 and 2:3).  Our approach emphasizes:

  • Family Support  – WCS upholds the primacy of the family by supporting and assisting parents in the discharge of their God-given responsibilities for the spiritual, moral, intellectual, and social education of their children (Deuteronomy 6:4-9).
  • Knowledge – Factual basis for further education and a productive life that honors God.
  • Skills – A strong moral sense and behavior consistent with God’s Word emphasizing the teacher as a role model.

“Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”

Colossians 2:2-3